Solar heating control systems are critical for any solar heating systems and will ensure that your solar heating system operates correctly, heats your water to the temperatures that you want and gets the most our of your system.
There are a range of controllers available for solar heating systems. These controllers will automatically control your heating system to the specified settings. It is possible for controllers to heat several different hot water cylinders from the same controller, even prioritising cylinders. The controller can also automatically control wetback boilers.
Backup water heating systems also need to be managed to maximise the benefits of the solar heating system and minimise the energy used for heating water. Under normal conditions, the backup heating source is turned off and only turned on when additional hot water is required or to minimise the risk of Legionella.
A solar heating controller will automatically turn on water heating at a predetermined time of day. If you go away on holiday, the controller will stop the cylinder from being heated everyday.