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Do you want to convert to instant gas water heating?

rheem_27_instant_gas_water_heaterAn instantaneous water heater only heats water once an outlet is opened and the hot water comes out instantly. It will continuously heat water as it passes through the unit. When the outlet is closed, the energy source shuts off. As these units heat cold water as it flows through the heater, storage of hot water is not required, saving you hundreds of $$ every month!

In can be installed virtually anywhere but its main advantage is that it is ideally suited for for single point applications. It is fueled by either electricity or gas. instantaneous units are designed for mains pressure supply and can have a maximum operating pressure of up to 1000KPA.

Depending on the size of your home the instant water heater must be sized correctly to ensure your flow of hot water does not starve out. Most common sizes are 20L/Minute 27L/Minute and 32L/Minute. In the example above we have installed a Rheem 27 to a 2n bedroom villa in Remuera.

Click here to view the specifications RHEEM 27 Continuous Gas Heater

These units are available in LPG and Natural Gas and can be installed from $ 2800 including GST, all involved materials and gas certification. This offer does not include the electrical power point but can be arranged for $ 350  + GST. Contact us on 0800 4 Cylinders for more information.