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Keep an eye on your low pressure cylinder

We always try to push the boundaries here at This month with unbeatable low pressure hot water cylinder specials just click the link to view.

Our special offer of $999 includes everything required to get you back up and running. In New Zealand thousands of homes still maintain low pressure systems that are over 40 years old! If you have a high power bill it could well be that your thermostat is not working correctly allowing the element to heat much longer then actually required. As an example, if your thermostat is set to 60 degrees and the reading is not accurate your hot water cylinder will continue using power until boiling point, causing other issues within your hot water cylinder system.

Its very important to understand that 90% of time low pressure cylinders start leaking because of the lack of regular maintenance. if you don’t service your hot water cylinder the valves/thermostat will fail to their job and cause excessive temperatures that will in turn cause higher expansion and contraction levels, something most older models wont be comfortable with

Our maintenance cost is as low as $120 + GST, if its too late for maintenance our replacement cost including cylinder is $999 + GST.

Let us know if you have any questions..