Low Pressure, Replacing like for like, some considerations…
This Cylinder came in last week, it was in a holiday house and the low pressure cylinder had burst leaking over the course of a few weeks and flooding a lounge. After assessing the job so many issues were ignored when the original plumber install this one causing many issues of our plumber to remedy. Things initially noticed was no cylinder seismic restraints, isolating vale on the inlet wasn’t installed and no drain at all was installed and the cylinder was in the middle of the house on a concrete slab.
No drain at all is a big no no when I comes to servicing. We ended up having to live change swap the inlet to the cylinder with a temporary drain to drain down the cylinder, making the job even more messy. Installing and fixing all these issues is FAR easier at the beginning before the original is installed rather than taking short cuts and making it harder for future Servicing. In the end we resolved all these issues and the job was a success, but a lot more difficult than it should have been so really if we all just put considerations in to our work before we start our jobs, we will all as a plumbing community be better off!